Woo Advanced Pricing

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Go to Dashboard/Plugins/Add New and Upload the plugin

Activate the plugin, then click on Settings link which will redirect to the Main Settings Page.

How to use
Quantity-based Pricing Model
The plugin offers The three famous quantity-based pricing models.
All-Units | Volume Pricing Model
In this pricing model, The product price will be changed as the same for the whole quantity based on your pricing rules you set.
For example: You have a product which costs $20 and you want to offer a discount based on the quantity.
You want to sell it for $18 at 5 Quantity, $14 at 9 Quantity, $11 at 20 Quantity.
Here is how the setup will look like in the product’s edit page:

And The product’s pricing table will look like that in the frontend:

and the price will be calculated based on the customer’s added to cart quantity.

Tiered Pricing Mode
In this pricing model, The product price is changed based on a quantity-price range.
For example, following the same previous pricing table after switching to Tiered | Incremental Pricing Model , The pricing table will look like that.

If the customer added to cart 9 Quantity, The price will be calculated like that:
( 4 * $20 ) + ( 4 * $18 ) + ( 1 * $14 ) = $166

Package Pricing Model
In this pricing model, The product is treated as packages and the price of the customer’s selected quantity is calculated based on a combination between the available packages.
For example: using the same previous pricing table.

The product will be available in packages of ( 1 , 5, 9, 20 ) and the pricing table in frontend will look like that:

If the customer selects quantity 15, the price will be calculated based on a combination of ( 1 , 5, 9 ) packages.
( $20 + $18 + $14 ) = $52

Dynamic Price
The dynamic price option is suitable for updating the product’s price automatically after hitting a milestone in the product’s sales.
This option will update the product’s original price
After enabling this option, there is a sales counter which will be increased by the quantity from upcoming completed orders containing this product.
For example: You have a product being sold for $30 and you want to decrease the price to $25 after hitting 50 sales.

Setting dynamic price rules:

Once the sales counter hits the 50 sales, The product’s price will be updated automatically to $25.

Extra Information
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