
Coming Soon Products

You don’t have to wait until a new product arrives to your store or hide a product when it’s out-of-stock. with Coming Soon Products plugin, You can set Coming Soon mode and let your clients know when the product will be available, collect their emails, so you can inform them when the product is available.


Many Features for The Coming-Soon Mode


  • Display a custom Text for the coming soon mode
  • Set arrival Time of the product
  • Display a countdown of the arrival time.
  • Choose to hide the product price
  • Enable or disable purchasing the product for backorders.
  • Enable the product automatically after the arrival Time.
  • Send Emails automatically to subscribed clients after the arrival Time.
  • Display Subscription Form
  • Use custom forms instead of the default form.

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - coming soon options

Keep Track of coming soon products from the admin top bar

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - coming soon products in admin bar

Coming-Soon Badge

A coming soon badge can be added to the coming soon products. You can control the badge dimension, padding from top-left and the rotation of the badge.

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - rich coming soon badge options

Countdown Timer

Change the color of each part of the arrival time countdown.

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - customizable countdown timer

Coming Soon Variations

You can set the coming soon mode for specific variations of variable products.

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - coming soon variations

Shortcode and Gutenberg Support

The plugin offers a shortcode and a gutenberg block for coming soon products list.

Coming Soon Ended Email

Send emails manually or automatically to subscribed customers when the coming soon products are available.

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - coming soon arrival email

WPML Compatibility

The plugin is compatible with WPML

Version 1.1.8


Avada Theme and Builder Compatibility

Version 1.2.7

Quick and Bulk Edit Coming Soon Mode

Quick Edit Coming Soon Mode.

You can change the coming soon mode from Quick Edit.

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - bulk edit coming soon mode

Bulk Edit Coming Soon Mode.

You can change the coming soon mode in Bulk Edit.

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - bulk edit coming soon mode

Version 1.3.0

Full Stock Management Automation

Out of Stock Coming Soon Sync.

Now, you can switch to coming soon mode automatically once the product is out of stock.

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - Out of stock sync

Auto Stock refill

Re-fill the product’s stock automatically once the product is auto enabled from coming soon mode.

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - auto refill stock once arrived

Version 1.4.0

FSE Themes Support

Gutenberg Blocks

Adding Blocks for Coming Soon TextComing Soon countdownComing soon subscription form

woocommerce coming soon products plugin - gutenberg blocks


woocommerce coming soon products plugin - Woo products blocks

Pre-Sale Question

Do you have a question? feel free to ask

Thank you for contacting us, We have received your inquiry and will contact you

Features list

  • Set coming soon mode to simple and variation products
  • Arrival countdown timer
  • Hide product price
  • Disable product purchase in backorder
  • Auto enable product purchase after arrival time is over
  • Auto send email to subscribed user after arrival time is over
  • Custom coming soon badge per product
  • Coming soon subscription form
  • Coming soon arrival email
  • Auto enable coming soon mode after the product is out of stock
  • Auto restock the product after coming soon arrival time is over
  • Auto update publish date
  • Custom coming soon email
  • Custom coming soon text
  • Customize coming soon arrival time countdown
  • Custom coming soon badges
  • Control coming soon badge position, size, margin and angle
  • Quick edit coming soon mode per product
  • Bulk edit coming soon mode
  • Subscribed emails hub for all products

Pick you license




Backed by a 14-day refund policy

If our plugin doesn't work as promised, you're backed by our 14-day refund policy to request your money back.

More about our refund policy


  1. Luka Nemanic (verified owner)

    Great plugin, and even better support – one of the best I ever encountered. Definitely recommend, and I will be looking into other plugins from Grandplugins too. Keep it up!

  2. Daniele Besana (verified owner)

    Coming Soon Products is an excellent plugin, very reliable and solid! And the support is amazing, I asked for small features and they were added within a couple of days. GrandPlugins is highly recommended!!!


  • [New] xStore Theme Badge comp
  • [Update] Avoid error in sending background emails.
  • [New] Coming Soon Subscription form in loop and archive pages.
  • [New] FSE Themes support.
  • [New] New Gutenberg Blocks [ Coming Soon text – Coming Soon Countdown – Coming Soon Subscription Form ]
  • [New] Auto update publish date.
  • [New] Keep it purchasable option in bulk and quick edits.
  • [Update] Improve the background email process.
  • [Update] Optimize assets
  • [Update] update countdown timer
  • [New] Coming soon section position option
  • [New] Coming soon section shortcode
  • [New] Keep it purchasable: a new option to keep the product purchasable in coming soon mode.
  • [Update] Improve theme compatibility for hiding add to cart button in coming soon mode.
  • [Fix] Fix Badge CSS for width and Height.
  • Tested up to latest WP version.
  • [New] Out of stock – Coming soon Sync.
  • [New] Auto restock after coming soon arrival time.
  • [Update] Enhance background emails by atomic sending check – update.
  • [Fix] Fix subscription submit conflict.
  • [Update] Show variable products emails in emails hub tab in case of variations emails only.
  • [Fix] Handle Background emails conflict with caching plugins.
  • [Update] Sort coming soon products shortcode by arrival time.
  • [New] Custom Badge Side for single product page.
  • [Update] Major update to badge positioning – More themes compatibility.
  • [New] Emails ` – Add new emails tab in settings for all coming soon products subscribed emails.
  • [Update] Enhance badge positioning.
  • [Fix] Fix badge duplications in some themes.
  • [New] Badge responsive option relative to product’s image width.
  • [Update] Optimize front assets – Badge position tracking.
  • [Update] Improve Coming Soon Badge placement.
  • [New] Add “Left Center” and “Right Center” for Badge position.
  • [New] Mark Coming Soon products in products list in backend.
  • [New] Coming Soon mode in Bulk Edit.
  • [New] Coming Soon mode in Quick edit.
  • [Update] Update coming soon badge positioning in single product page
  • [Update] Core Update
  • [Update] Optimize assets.
  • [New] Option to import emails in products edit pages to notify them when the product is available.
  • [Update] General improvements to “Coming Soon Emails” Section.
  • [New] Add Six sides to place the Coming Soon Badge.
  • [Fix]  Fix availability return array
  • [Update] Improve the Badge positioning in loop and single page.
  • Blocksy Theme compatiblity.
  • Optimize assets.
  • Fix Gutenberg block.
  • Improve Coming Soon Badge.
  • Adjust Coming Soon Badge styles and wrapping.
  • Set default coming soon badge.
  • Fix Email default body update.
  • Show test email metabox by default.
  • Improve Hide price option.
  • Coming Soon Badge positioning for loading more.
  • Adjust Badge upload.
  • Enhance Coming Soon Badge Position.
  • Improve jQuery Defer.
  • Adjust Coming Soon Products Query.
  • Coming Soon Text shortcode.
  • Countdown Timer shortcode.
  • Coming Soon Badge shortcode.
  • Avada Theme and Builder compatibility.
  • Enhance badge positioning.
  • Fix hide price in shop and archive
  • Custom badge per product
  • Convert Subscribe Texts to text editors.
  • Fix custom badge upload and save.
  • Fix variation coming soon section ajax.
  • Fix subscribe form placeholder typo.
  • Add subscribe form placeholder value edit settings field.
  • Countdown Counter Shortcode
  • Subscribe Form Shortcode
  • General Coming Soon Text field
  • Subscribe Form submit button text field
  • Test with Latest WP and WooCommerce
  • Fix WPML translation caching
  • WPML compatibility
  • Settings update optimization
  • small fixes