Customers Cleanup For WooCommerce

Customers Cleanup for WooCommerce is a background tool that deletes customer accounts with no purchase history. Streamline your WooCommerce store with easy, automated cleanup and avoid spammy users.


Interval setting and Frequency Control

Choose how frequently the cleanup process run with options such as daily,  weekly, etc.


Registration Interval 

Define the minimum account age to be eligible for deletion by selecting time intervals (e.g., hours, days, weeks).


Pre-Sale Question

Do you have a question? feel free to ask

Thank you for contacting us, We have received your inquiry and will contact you

Pick you license




Backed by a 14-day refund policy

If our plugin doesn't work as promised, you're backed by our 14-day refund policy to request your money back.

More about our refund policy


  • Update to WP 6.7
  • Update settings