WP Image Converter

Convert images from one format to another. This plugin supports a wide range of image formats, including AVIF and WEBP, ensuring that your website’s images are optimized for faster loading times and improved performance. With this plugin, you can effortlessly improve the overall user experience of your website by delivering high-quality images in a matter of seconds


Auto Convert

Convert images automatically after upload. You can convert any uploaded image type to a single type or convert specific types to other types.

Bulk Convert

Convert images in bulk. select images directly from media gallery, by posts parent or full convert.

Conversion History

Track the image conversion history with detailed conversion details before and after conversions.

Keep Image URL

The option to keep the same image extension hence the image URL after conversion to avoid broken embedded image links. with this option, you can make a full conversion to your website images without breaking a single image URL.

Sub-sizes Conversion Results

track the sub-sizes file size before and after conversion.

Version 1.0.4


Convert images from library page

Quick Conversion

convert any image from the library page.

image type quick convertion

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  • [Fix] Fix conflict in Core Filter hook.
  • [Update] Update to latest WP version.
  • [Fix]  fix issue in Imagick mime type detection.
  • [Update] Update quick converter popup.
  • [Update] Better handle conversion errors.
  • [New] Quick convert images from library page.
  • [Update] General updates to bulk conversion.
  • [Fix] Fix typo in auto convert.
  • [Fix] Fix generating new image file for same image type in auto convert.
  • [New] Add Quality option for single – custom – bulk conversions.